Fabienne Jenny Jacquet

"Blue Life"
Mixed media on paper (oil, marker pen, oil pastels, coloured paper, inkjet paper)
45 x 55 cm

I create an abstract work using as a starting points the letters from the words “life”, “coffee” and “Water” scattered
around the composition. I was inspired by the idea that coffee and water are essential to life in African coffee-growing
countries, in term of providing an income and independence (coffee) as well as meeting basic physical needs and promote
general health (clean water). I then played with materials and layers to build-up the work. I mainly used the shapes of
spoons, tables, cups and coffee beans across the composition as well as several circles to allude to the stains that a
coffee cup might leave on a table. In term of colours I used blue, thinking about the purity and beauty of the African
skies, as well as various shades of brown to represent the warmth of coffee.